Under läsåret 2016-17 genomförde Livsmedelsverket den nationella matvaneundersökningen Riksmaten ungdom 2016-17. Ungdomar i 


Methods: The analysis was based on 6768 children who participated in the European IDEFICS/I.Family cohort (T0 2007/2008, T1 2009/2010 and/or T3 2013/2014; mean ages: 6.6, 8.4 and 12.0 years, respectively) and provided at least two measurements of waist circumference, blood pressure, blood glucose and lipids over time.

Final included samples in the follow-ups comprised 11,041 and 6055 children of the original IDEFICS cohort in T1 and T3, respectively [11–13]. The design of the study was not thought to provide a representative sample for each country but constituted the starting point of the largest Additionally, no information is available in the IDEFICS study on adiposity indices of siblings living in the same household. In both cases, the knowledge gap will possibly be covered by the collection of such information in the ongoing I.Family study (www.ifamilystudy.eu), which is a follow-up of the original IDEFICS cohort. IDEFICS / I.Family children cohort is registered under ISRCTN62310987.Study children did not undergo any procedure before both they and their parents had given consent for examinations, collection The IDEFICS intervention trial to prevent childhood obesity: design and study methods. I. Pigeot; T. Baranowski; S. De Henauw; and the IDEFICS Intervention Study Group ; on behalf of the IDEFICS consortium ; Pages: 4-15; First Published: 27 December 2015 Attrition in the European Child Cohort IDEFICS/I. Family: Exploring Associations Between Attrition and Body Mass Index Malte Langeheine, Hermann Pohlabeln, Fabio Lauria, Toomas Veidebaum, Michael Tornaritis, Denes Molnar, Gabriele Eiben, Stefaan de Henauw, Luis A. Moreno, Garrath Williams, Wolfgang Ahrens, Stefan Rach Attrition in the European Child Cohort IDEFICS/I.Family: Exploring Associations Between Attrition and Body Mass Index Malte Langeheine, Hermann Pohlabeln, Fabio Lauria, Toomas Veidebaum, Michael Tornaritis, Denes Molnar, Gabriele Eiben, Stefaan de Henauw, Luis A. Moreno, Garrath Williams, Wolfgang Ahrens, Stefan Rach 2019-05-01 · The IDEFICS baseline survey was carried out from September 2007 to May 2008, in a population-based sample of 16,228 children aged 2–9 years from eight European countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Sweden); follow-up examinations were conducted six years later (I.Family study).

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IDEFICS-studienvisaratt barn under 10 årsomregelbundetäter med twitter.com/IFamilyStudy Start I.Family Studien : Mars 2012. Fältarbetet  Developing the IDEFICS community-based intervention program to enhance eating behaviors in 2- to 8-year-old children: Findings from focus groups with  countries - the IDEFICS study. Pediatr Obes. 2012. 2.

IDEFICS/I.Family studies were conducted according to the standards of the Declaration of Helsinki. The protocol was approved by the local ethics committee of 

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Idefics i.family

Impact of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and muscle strength on bone stiffness in 2-10-year-old children-cross-sectional results from the IDEFICS study.

I.Family pursued two objectives: (1) to understand the interplay between barriers and drivers towards a healthy food choice as well as physical activity and how these affect the health of children and adoles­cents; (2) to develop and disseminate strategies to induce changes promoting a healthy dietary behaviour in European consumers, especially children, adolescents and their parents. IDEFICS - Identification and prevention of Dietary- and lifestyle-induced health EFfects In Children and infantS The IDEFICS study started in September 2006 and ended in February 2012 after a prolongation of 6 months. COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Ohio State Highway Patrol has identified a family from Powell who was killed in a three-vehicle crash on Interstate 71 Monday night in Delaware County. The crash happened IDEFICS/ I.Family 2016 Zaqout M, Michels N, Bammann K, Ahrens W, Sprengeler O, Molnar D, Hadjigeorgiou C, Eiben G, Konstabel K, Russo P, Jiménez-Pavón D, Moreno LA, De Henauw S. Influence of physical fitness on cardio-metabolic risk factors in European children. 10 Years of the IDEFICS/I.Family Studies The IDEFICS study started in 2007.

Idefics i.family

Gabriele Eiben, Lauren Liss- ner, Staffan Mårild. 7. Hög prevalens fetma och grav fetma bland patienter i öppenvår-. IDEFICS (Identification and prvention of Dietary- and lifestyle-induced health or planned exercise, in the context of family, school, and community activities.
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792 replications of the Teaching-Family Model. In G. A. En metod som är baserad på IDEFICS-modellen (Identification and prevention of Dietary and lifestyle. Amanqaku angaphezulu: Ifamilynet · Ifamilykc · Ifamily leadership academy · Ifamily app · Ifamily software · Ifamily mortgage llc · Family wellness · Family login. Meanwhile, the participants of the IDEFICS/ I.Family studies are adolescents or adults and enter in a new phase of life. For many young people, this means moving to another school or starting an apprenticeship.

IDEFICS / I.Family children cohort is registered under ISRCTN62310987.Study children did not undergo any procedure before both they and their parents had given consent for examinations, collection The IDEFICS intervention trial to prevent childhood obesity: design and study methods. I. Pigeot; T. Baranowski; S. De Henauw; and the IDEFICS Intervention Study Group ; on behalf of the IDEFICS consortium ; Pages: 4-15; First Published: 27 December 2015 Attrition in the European Child Cohort IDEFICS/I. Family: Exploring Associations Between Attrition and Body Mass Index Malte Langeheine, Hermann Pohlabeln, Fabio Lauria, Toomas Veidebaum, Michael Tornaritis, Denes Molnar, Gabriele Eiben, Stefaan de Henauw, Luis A. Moreno, Garrath Williams, Wolfgang Ahrens, Stefan Rach Attrition in the European Child Cohort IDEFICS/I.Family: Exploring Associations Between Attrition and Body Mass Index Malte Langeheine, Hermann Pohlabeln, Fabio Lauria, Toomas Veidebaum, Michael Tornaritis, Denes Molnar, Gabriele Eiben, Stefaan de Henauw, Luis A. Moreno, Garrath Williams, Wolfgang Ahrens, Stefan Rach 2019-05-01 · The IDEFICS baseline survey was carried out from September 2007 to May 2008, in a population-based sample of 16,228 children aged 2–9 years from eight European countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Sweden); follow-up examinations were conducted six years later (I.Family study). Results from the IDEFICS/I.Family Cohort Maike Wolters1*, Valeria Pala2, Paola Russo3, Patrizia Rise´ 4, Luis A. Moreno5, Stefaan De Henauw6, Kirsten Mehlig7, Toomas Veidebaum8, Dene´ s Molna´ r9, Michael Tornaritis10, Claudio Galli4, Wolfgang Ahrens1,11, Claudia Bo¨ rnhorst1, on behalf of the IDEFICS and I. Family consortia This study is based on the “Pan-European IDEFICS/I.Family children cohort”, which can be found at the ISRCTN registry under the ID ISRCTN62310987.
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The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate children’s diet, BMI z-score, and parental feeding practices (PFPs), in relation to mutans streptococci (MS) count, psychosocial well-being and children’s BMI trajectory, as well as exploring the effect of the intervention in the IDEFICS (Identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants) study on diets of …

The crash happened IDEFICS/ I.Family 2016 Zaqout M, Michels N, Bammann K, Ahrens W, Sprengeler O, Molnar D, Hadjigeorgiou C, Eiben G, Konstabel K, Russo P, Jiménez-Pavón D, Moreno LA, De Henauw S. Influence of physical fitness on cardio-metabolic risk factors in European children. 10 Years of the IDEFICS/I.Family Studies The IDEFICS study started in 2007. It was followed by the I.Family study which ran until 2017. Over the past 10 years, more than 16,000 children and adolescents have participated.

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IDEFICS recruited 16 224 children aged 2–9 (response rate 51%) from September 2007–June 2008 at survey centers in Italy, Estonia, Cyprus, Belgium, Sweden, Hungary, Germany and Spain. 13 All

Families contributed to these large studies and provided important insights for health research. I.Family will do this by re-assessing IDEFICS children and their families, identifying those families that have adopted a healthy approach to food and eating habits and those who have not. The project will help us understand the biological, behavioural, social and environmental factors that drive dietary behaviour as children journey towards adulthood. IDEFICS (Identification and prevention of dietary and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants) and I.Family (IDEFICS/I.Family cohort) is a large European prospective cohort including children from eight countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, and Sweden) that has been investigating dietary, behavioral and socioeconomic factors in relation to non-communicable chronic diseases and disorders with a focus on overweight and obesity (5, 6). The IDEFICS and I.Family studies investigated the impact of dietary, behavioural and socioeconomic factors on non-communicable chronic diseases in a large diverse sample of European children. Syftet med ”IDEFICS/I.Family-uppföljningen Livsstil och Hälsa” Från 2007 till 2016 har fler än 16’000 deltagare från sju olika europeiska länder deltagit i IDEFICS/I.Family-studien.