for which reason the decisions also have an important function as a source of a description is given of how the Spanish system functions , with arbitration
Translations in context of "function" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: to function, evaluation function, function effectively, renal function, function properly
Choose Productivity under Category, find the Functions Translator add-in and … Function: Función: Description: Add-in and Automation functions: Funciones de complementos y automatización : CALL: LLAMAR: Calls a procedure in a dynamic link library or code resource: EUROCONVERT: EUROCONVERT to function in translation spanish, English - Spanish dictionary, meaning, see also 'function key',function word',functional',functionary', example of use, definition Translations in context of "to function as" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: This one is small enough to function as a hammock. function translate: función, función [feminine], función [feminine], funcionar. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. Translation for 'function' in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Translations in context of "function" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: to function, evaluation function, function effectively, renal function, function properly Detailed synonyms for function noun. 1. Function, duty, role, concern significan las acciones u operaciones que se esperan de una persona o una cosa.
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3 (Math) función f. b vi (=operate) funcionar, marchar. to function as hacer (las veces) de. c cpd.
Sample sentences show five ways you can translate the English verb 'want' to Spanish. Terry Vine / Getty Images The English verb "to want" can be translated to Spanish in at least five ways, the most common of them being querer. When querer
man, dog, house). (f) means that a noun is feminine.
Sample sentences show five ways you can translate the English verb 'want' to Spanish. Terry Vine / Getty Images The English verb "to want" can be translated to Spanish in at least five ways, the most common of them being querer. When querer
√ 100% FREE. √ Over 1,500,000 translations. √ Fast and Easy to use. His odyssey functions as a satire of the war, the leaders, and the army. All of this is to say that the new digital environment functions as, well, a web. This executive branch of government never functions as accurate and honest mirrors of the president.
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I speak English, French and Spanish and have used those language involved in the processes, products and functions of the translations.
Spanish conditionals usually involve the word si (if). Note the difference between this “ si ,” meaning “if” (no accent), and the “ sí ” with an accent, which means “yes.” There are two clauses, or parts, in a conditional: the if clause and the main clause .
Spanish Functions. A1 - ELEMENTARY. Spanish word for function, including example sentences in both English and Spanish.
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acto - act, deed, act (in a play) 1.1. function (of tool, machine, organ): function. función f. Add to my favourites.
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It was found that acceptability judgments about the prepositions are influenced by function as their corresponding English and Spanish prepositions.
Contact details. Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. Paseo de la Castellana, 75, 28046 Madrid, ES. +34 902 157 530. +34 91 4 572 586.