Rutger Arnhult har idag meddelat Klöverns styrelse att han kommer att lämna sin befattning som VD. Detta är en följd av att han ställer sig
Surfing the Web recently, I found an interesting site: CEOGO, which is literally an encyclopedia about CEOs, or in its own term, “ceographics.” Here are some facts gleaned from the site: An award-winning team of journalists, designers, and
Klövern AB (publ): Peeter Kinnunen is appointed acting CEO of Klövern. Mar 24, 2021. Klövern AB (publ): Number of shares in Klövern as of 26 February 2021. Feb 26, 2021. 4 KLÖVERN YEAR-END REPORT JANUARY–DECEMBER 2020 Good earnings as a conclusion of the year and for me as CEO Klövern is ending this different, pandemic-affected year with good earnings and a strengthened financial position. After nine years as the company’s CEO, I am leav-ing a company that is very different from when I started in 2012.
| Klövern är ett börsnoterat fastighetsbolag som med närhet och engagemang erbjuder attraktiva lokaler och aktivt bidrar till stadsutvecklingen i tillväxtregioner. Bolagets vision är att skapa attraktiva och hållbara miljöer för framtidens företag, individer och samhälle. Det kräver ett aktivt Today, Rutger Arnhult has informed Klövern's board of directors that he will leave his position as CEO. This is a consequence of him being positive to the proposal of Castellum's Nomination Klövern är ett fastighetsbolag. Idag är bolagets investeringar huvudsakligen inriktade mot kommersiella fastigheter, lager och logistik, samt lokaler för vård, utbildning och detaljhandel. Investeringar återfinns spridda inom en stor del av den nordiska marknaden, främst inom Syd- och Mellansverige och innefattar både uppgraderingar och nyproduktion av fastigheter. Klövern and GDSNY are evaluating future development of the property.
Rutger Arnhult säljer aktier i Klövern för över 100 miljoner kronor. Publicerad: Lägre förvaltningsresultat för Klövern – men vd:n ser ljus i tunneln. Uppdaterad:
Share ownership in Klövern*: 109,568 Class B ordinary shares, 1,685 preference shares, via company and directly. 1) Acting CEO from 26 March 2021 Jens Andersson Peeter Kinnunen is appointed acting CEO of Klövern. 2021-03-24. In line with what was communicated in a press release on 29 December 2020, Rutger Arnhult will leave his position as CEO on 25 March 2021.
19 Dec 2019 Kalvebod Brygge 32, in central Copenhagen, acquired by Klövern. in Copenhagen in a fantastic way," says Rutger Arnhult, CEO of Klövern.
Born 1965. CEO Corem Property Group AB. Other assignments*: Chairman of Specialfastigheter AB. Education: Graduate in business administration. Share ownership in Klövern*: No shareholding. Dependent in relation to company, the executive management and major shareholders. Rutger Arnhult has been the CEO of Klövern since 1 January 2012. Today, Rutger Arnhult has also informed Klövern’s board of directors and Nomination Committee that he intends to leave the board of Klövern AB (publ), Bredgränd 4, 111 30 Stockholm.
We will miss you! In line with what was communicated through a press release on December 29, 2020, Rutger Arnhult will leave his position as CEO on March 25, in 2021. As the acting CEO of Klövern, the board has appointed Peeter Kinnunen. Klövern’s board of directors will now initiate a search process for a new CEO. Rutger Arnhult has been the CEO of Klövern since 1 January 2012. Today, Rutger Arnhult has also informed Klövern’s board of directors and Nomination Committee that he intends to leave the board of Klövern on 25 March 2021 and that he is not available for re-election to the board of Klövern. Klövern AB (publ) For additional information, please contact: Peeter Kinnunen, Acting CEO, +46 76 855 67 03, Lars Norrby, IR, +46 76 777 38 00,
Klövern’s board of directors will now initiate a search process for a new CEO. Rutger Arnhult has been the CEO of Klövern since 1 January 2012.
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Today, Rutger Arnhult has also informed Klövern’s board of directors and Nomination Committee that he intends to leave the board of Klövern on 25 March 2021 and that he is not available for re-election to the board of Klövern. Klövern AB (publ) For additional information, please contact: Peeter Kinnunen, Acting CEO, +46 76 855 67 03, Lars Norrby, IR, +46 76 777 38 00, Klövern’s board of directors will now initiate a search process for a new CEO. Rutger Arnhult has been the CEO of Klövern since 1 January 2012. Today, Rutger Arnhult has also informed Klövern’s board of directors and Nomination Committee that he intends to leave the board of Klövern on 25 March 2021 and that he is not available for re-election to the board of Klövern. In line with what was communicated in a press release on 29 December 2020, Rutger Arnhult will leave his position as CEO on 25 March 2021. The Board of Directors has appointed Peeter Kinnunen acting CEO of Klövern.
210324 Peeter Kinnunen is appointed acting CEO of Klövern (pdf)
Klövern AB (publ) For additional information, please contact: Pia Gideon, Chairman of the Board, +46 (0)76-768 00 76 Rutger Arnhult, CEO, +46 (0)70-458 24 70, Lars Norrby, IR, +46 (0)76-777 38 00, Klövern is a real estate company committed to working closely with customers to offer them
The Board of Directors has appointed Peeter Kinnunen acting CEO of Klövern.
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Until 2017, I was the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the online education start-up iversity with offices in Bernau and Berlin. I am currently
Klövern is a listed real estate company which, with closeness and commitment, CEO Creuna | Board Director. Klöverns vd, Rutger Arnhult, och finanschef Jens Andersson blir kvar i styrelsen liksom advokat Patrik Essehorn som kvarstår som Per Svensson, CEO, Croisette Real Estate Partner Klövern Croisette Balder. SF Invest har påbörjat utvecklingen av första bolaget och den första kringtjänsten, /11/12 · Klövern B Bonds and Commercial Paper Bonds and Commercial Paper Rutger Arnhult CEO 24 70 Send email Lars Norrby Head of IR 38 00 Send email Klövern AB (publ). För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta: Rutger Arnhult, VD, 070-458 24 70, Eva Landén, styrelseordförande.
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Peeter Kinnunen Is Appointed Acting CEO of Klövern Sweden — Peeter Kinnunen, Head of Transactions, has been named acting CEO of Klövern as Rutger Arnhult is leaving the company. Arnhult’s New Move in Castellum Sweden — The battle for the Castellum chairmanship has been a hot topic in Swedish real estate. Rutger Arnhult, CEO Klövern Klövern AB (publ) For additional information, please contact: Rutger Arnhult, CEO, +46 70 458 24 70, Lars Norrby, IR, +46 76 777 38 00, Klövern is a real estate company committed to working closely with customers to offer them attractive premises in growth regions. Thank you Rutger! For all the driving force, closeness and commitment that you have given us at Klövern.