A major survey of lizard populations worldwide has found an alarming pattern of population extinctions attributable to rising temperatures. If current trends continue, 20 percent of all lizard species could go extinct by 2080, according to Barry Sinervo, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Sinervo, Barry. 2011 (Engelska)Ingår i: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences, ISSN 0962-8452, E-ISSN 1471-2954, Vol. 278, nr
Journal of evolutionary biology. 2002, 15(6). 1034-1047. According to mate choice models, a female should prefer males with traits that are reliable indicators of genetic quality which the sire can pass on to their progeny. However, good genes may depend on the social environment, and female choice for good genes should be context dependent. The side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana, exhibits genetically based throat colors (orange, blue, or yellow Social competition, corticosterone and survival in female lizard morphs. T Comendant, B Sinervo, Erik Svensson, J Wingfield (2003) Journal of evolutionary biology, 16 p.948-955.
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In principle chosen by a lizard and each lizard's daily pattern of activity, I Male side-blotched lizards have more than one way to get the girl. Orange males are bullies. Yellows are sneaks. Blues team up with a buddy to protect their Barry Sinervo, Ryan Calsbeek, Tosha Comendant, Christiaan Both, Chloe Adamopoulou, Jean Clobert, Genetic and Maternal Determinants of Effective Dispersal: The Effect of Sire Genotype and Size at Birth in Side‐Blotched Lizards, The American Naturalist, 10.1086/505765, 168, 1, (88-99), (2006). The Lord of Lizard Land: UCSC's charismatic biologist Barry Sinervo remembered for passion and commitment. lookout.co - Wallace Baine • 11d.
opettajankoulutusyksikkö, Oulun yliopisto. WWW-TOTEUTUS PIRJO SINERVO - PUNOMO Slinky Lizard. Materials: - Construction Paper - Markers/ Crayons
Authors:Diederik Aerts, Jan Broekaert, Marek Czachor, Maciej Kuna, Barry Sinervo, Jun 15, 2016 Long before humans were a thing, some lizard species were finding mates using the guidelines of the B. Sinervo and C. M. Lively (1996). May 13, 2010 After compiling the global field data, Sinervo and his colleagues studied the effects of rising temperatures on lizards' bodies, and created a May 2, 2006 A new study of side-blotched lizards in California has revealed the of how cooperative behavior arises from genes," said Barry Sinervo, May 14, 2010 Sometimes it can be too darn hot even for a lizard.
They would barely have been able to emerge to bask before having to retreat," Professor Sinervo said. Lizard facts Lizards are a large and diverse group of reptiles, with nearly 3,800 known species.
SCP-682 Hard to Kill Reptile document and Extermination Logs (December 2020). Sinervo har studerat sidlediga ödlor i Kalifornien i mer än 30 år.
2021-03-22 · Sinervo also led an international team of biologists in a survey of lizard populations worldwide that found an alarming pattern of population extinctions connected to climate change. Those findings, published in Science in 2010, led Sinervo to focus increasingly on the issue of climate change. Sinervo began focusing his attention on lizard extinctions after he noticed an obvious trend during his field work in France. He identified an unsettling pattern of lizard extinctions with French researchers, Jean Clobert and Benoit Heulin, while they were surveying some of their well-documented populations.
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Between 2006 and 2008, he and a team of scientists surveyed 48 species of the Sceloporus lizard at 200 sites in Mexico — populations for which they already had data going back to 1975, when the sites were first surveyed.
Sinervo led an international team of biologists who conducted the study, published in the May 14 issue of Science.The researchers surveyed lizard populations, studied the effects of rising
Dr. Sinervo's research has shown that similar throat color morphs in the Californian side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana) correspond to alternative behavioral strategies.
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Sinervo, a lizard ecologist by training, hadn’t thought much about extinctions until he spent a summer surveying European common lizards in the south of France in 2003. That August, a deadly heat wave swept Europe, killing more than 30,000 people. As temperatures climbed well past 100°F in Paris, Sinervo knew how to adapt.
Since 1975, 12% of local populations have gone extinct. (Sinervo et al.
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The Lord of Lizard Land: UCSC's charismatic biologist Barry Sinervo remembered for passion and commitment. lookout.co - Wallace Baine • 11d. There is a
Lively, C. M ; Sinervo, B ;. ; Nature (London), 1996-03-21, Vol.380 (6571), p.240-243 ;.