This is NTNU At NTNU, creating knowledge for a better world is the vision that unites our 7 400 employees and 42 000 students. We are looking for dedicated employees to join us. You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here.


Du behöver bara ha ett giltigt nationellt id-kort där medborgarskap framgår, eller pass. Tänk på att körkort inte är en giltig id-handling i det här sammanhanget.

Today, Solhol AS (which is a real-estate company) owns most of the shares (17%) of the company. It gets about 580 070 visits per month from people all over the world (only 50% of the activity is from Norway, and 8% is from Iran). In addition to its job board function Jobbnorge, Bodø, Norway. 10,934 likes · 117 talking about this · 38 were here. Med laserfokus på effektiv rekruttering, og med deg som rekrutterer i sentrum, har vi tjenestene som støtter In the subject of the email your referee must indicate the reference number (JobbNorge ID) for the position and your name. This has to be done by the application deadline for the position, 1st March. It is sufficient to provide one letter of recommendation (from your professor/ master's degree supervisor).

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10 580 gillar · 175 pratar om detta · 38 har varit här. Med laserfokus på effektiv rekruttering, og med deg som rekrutterer i sentrum, har vi tjenestene som støtter The position UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Faculty of Science and Technology, has a researcher position vacant at the Department of Chemistry. The position is for 2 years, with the posibility for extension by 1 year. See more of Institutt for husdyr- og akvakulturvitenskap - NMBU on Facebook. Log In. or Manage your application process. Registration at EURAXESS is free and comes with a lot benefits for researchers and entrepreneurs. Once you have registered you will be welcomed to My EURAXESS private area, where among many others, you will fill in and manage your user and researcher profile, Science4Refugees Buddy Programme preferences as well as many more.

29 Apr 2018 Automatic estimation, identification and detection. - Stochastic NTNU. Jobbnorge-ID. 150288. Intern-ID. 2018/9349. Omfang. Heltid. Varighet.

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The position At the Department of Mathematics and Statistics a position is available for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Differential Geometry, for a period of 2 years from 15.08.2021.The position is affiliated with the research group in pure mathematics. The position. The Department of Chemistry seeks a motivated and enthusiastic PhD fellow to join the Research Group in Biomolecular and Structural Chemistry.

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The fellow will work on a project targeting the synthesis and late-stage functionalization of compounds for medicinal and materials applications. This is NTNU At NTNU, creating knowledge for a better world is the vision that unites our 7 400 employees and 42 000 students. We are looking for dedicated employees to join us. You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here. About the position This position is a fixed term, full time (100 %) position for 3 years and it's available from June 1st, 2021. This is NTNU At NTNU, creating knowledge for a better world is the vision that unites our 7 400 employees and 42 000 students. We are looking for dedicated employees to join us.