Ilixadencel Gets Orphan Drug Designation for Soft Tissue Sarcoma The FDA has granted the cell-based, off-the-shelf immune primer ilixadencel an orphan drug designation for use as a treatment option in patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS), according to an announcement from Immunicum AB.


Ilixadencel According to their website, Ilixadencel, Immunicum AB’s lead development candidate, is an off-the-shelf cell-based cancer immunotherapy indicated for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumors and mRCC.

The FDA awarded ilixadencel RMAT based on the results of the previously announced Phase II MERECA clinical trial. The trial evaluated the efficacy and safety of ilixadencel combined with the targeted anticancer drug Sutent (common name: sunitinib, sunitinib; developed by Pfizer) in the first-line treatment of patients with newly diagnosed metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). It insists that the response rate data warrants the continued clinical development of ilixadencel in RCC – the most common form of kidney cancer – as well as “other solid tumour indications.” Ilixadencel is an off-the-shelf cell-based immunotherapy indicated for solid tumors like hepatocellular carcinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, and mRCC. Ilixadencel has been tested in these cancers in combination with several standard-of-care cancer therapies like chemotherapy. 2018-06-07 The first half of the year for one of Sweden’s top immuno-oncology (IO) companies, Immunicum, has been one of continued progress for the company’s main project, MERECA, which is exploring the effects of their off-the-shelf IO candidate ilixadencel in combination with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) sunitinib in metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) patients. According to the latest (July) follow-up update from the MERECA trial (ilixadencel in renal cell carcinoma; RCC), the mOS was reached at 25.3 months in the sunitinib (control) group, while in the ilixadencel plus sunitinib group the mOS has not been reached yet.

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The MERECA clinical trial evaluated the therapeutic impact of combining ilixadencel with sunitinib in advanced kidney cancer. For the study, 88 newly-diagnosed, intermediate- and poor-prognosis patients with metastatic RCC were enrolled. Ilixadencel-Sunitinib Combo Improves Response In Certain Patients With Metastatic RCC In Phase II Trial These results indicate that ilixadencel provided a systemic therapeutic benefit while maintaining a positive safety and tolerability profile. Overall the data supports the continued clinical development of ilixadencel as an immune primer in RCC and other solid tumors. Portions of this data were previously communicated on August 29, 2019.

Pressmeddelande. 25 september 2019. Immunicum AB (publ) meddelar komplett analys av topline-data från fas II-studien MERECA --Överlevnad per juli 2019 var 57% (32 av 56) för patienter som

The first half of the year for one of Sweden’s top immuno-oncology (IO) companies, Immunicum, has been one of continued progress for the company’s main project, MERECA, which is exploring the effects of their off-the-shelf IO candidate ilixadencel in combination with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) sunitinib in metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) patients. GIST/sarkom för sällsynta och svårbehandlade sjukdomar - beprövad indikation och kombination Eftersom ilixadencel har uppnått Proof of Concept i RCC i kombination med sunitinib är nästa kritiska steg att identifiera rätt väg att påskynda utvecklingen av ilixadencel mot marknaden och i slutändan till patienter.

Ilixadencel rcc

For the biopharma industry investment, business development and competitive intelligence professionals who require information to support financing, partnering and licensing activities, BCIQ provides accurate information and context to support profitable and strategic decision making. Unlike other intelligence solutions, BCIQ exclusively supports the unique needs of the biopharma industry and

Dessa data stödjer en fortsatt klinisk utveckling av ilixadencel som en immunprimer vid RCC och andra solida tumörer. All toxicities associated with ilixadencel were found to be transient and had resolved before the end of the trial. No dose reductions were required. In May 2020, ilixadencel was granted a Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy designation from the FDA for use in patients with RCC. Immunicum’s positioning of ilixadencel is as a first-line treatment for advanced solid tumours in combination with standard treatments (for example in RCC, where sunitinib is the standard of care). Ilixadencel appears to be a typical neoadjuvant opportunity that could be applied to many solid tumours as it can be injected into any primary or secondary solid tumour above 2cm in diameter prior to surgical excision. Se hela listan på 2019-09-25 · Ilixadencel, a cell therapy product, is an off-the-shelf cancer immune primer, developed for the treatment of solid tumors.

Ilixadencel rcc

Se hela listan på 2019-09-25 · Ilixadencel, a cell therapy product, is an off-the-shelf cancer immune primer, developed for the treatment of solid tumors. Its active ingredient is activated allogeneic dendritic cells, derived för njurcancer (RCC) och Fast Track Designation (FTD) för ilixadencel för behandling av den sällsynta sjukdomen gastrointestinal stromalcellstumör (GIST).
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Its active ingredient is activated allogeneic dendritic cells, derived för njurcancer (RCC) och Fast Track Designation (FTD) för ilixadencel för behandling av den sällsynta sjukdomen gastrointestinal stromalcellstumör (GIST). Vidare beviljade amerikanska FDA särläkemedelsstatus (Orphan Drug Designation) för ilixadencel in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Vidare har ilixadencel utvecklats enligt Om ilixadencel Cellterapiprodukten ilixadencel är en immunaktiverare som är lagringsbar (”off-the-shelf”) och som utvecklats för behandling av solida tumörer.

More in RCC Content Hub 1:15. RCC Content Hub Chung-Han Lee, MD, PhD, medical oncologist, Memorial Sloan 7 maj, 2020.
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De prekliniska resultaten visar hur ilixadencel genererar komplementära immunologiska Njurcancer (RCC) Rekryteringen har slutförts till den pågående 

This phase 2 study investigated its potential as first-line systemic therapy for newly diagnosed synchronous metastatic RCC. By: Gina Columbus From: The addition of the off-the-shelf cancer immune primer ilixadencel to sunitinib (Sutent) trended toward a benefit in overall survival (OS) compared with sunitinib alone as a first-line treatment for patients with newly diagnosed metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RC… May 20 · FDA grants Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation to ilixadencel for the treatment of mRCC. The decision was made based on the results from the MERECA trial [6].

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Ilixadencel-Sunitinib Combo Improves Response In Certain Patients With Metastatic RCC In Phase II Trial These results indicate that ilixadencel provided a systemic therapeutic benefit while maintaining a positive safety and tolerability profile. Overall the data supports the continued clinical development of ilixadencel as an immune primer in RCC and other solid tumors.