Star Trek: Voyager. "Infinite Regress". by David E. Sluss. 3 December 1998. Home >> Voyager Season 5 >> >> Episode Review. Episode Guide: TV Tome.
Infinite Regress. When the U.S.S. Voyager encounters a Borg vessel's debris field, sensors also detect a Borg neural interlink frequency. Meanwhile, Seven of Nine hears voices in her head that cause her to change personalities. One minute she is a Klingon hunting for food, and the next she is a little girl wanting to play a game.
Website: http://www.lorerunner.comHelp Support Lorerunner: Uploads: https:/ WATCH: Star Trek: Discovery - Michael and Ash Have a Real Kiss WATCH: Star Trek: Discovery - Culber and Stamets Brush Their Tee… Episode Preview: Infinite Regress 561. Infinite Regress FORMULA: Masks + The Raven WHY WE LIKE IT: Jeri Ryan's acting. WHY WE DON'T: Something's wrong with that climax. REVIEW: As Voyager nears a damaged Borg Cube, Seven starts exhibiting personalities from dozens of people she helped assimilate.
Review by Jamahl Epsicokhan "You are strong. You will make an excellent mate." "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" — Seven as a Klingon, and Torres on defense “Infinite Regress” Written by Robert J. Doherty and Jimmy Diggs Directed by David Livingston Season 5, Episode 7 Production episode 203 Original air date: November 25, 1998 Stardate: 52356.2 TrekCore 'Star Trek: VOY' Screencap & Image Gallery. TREKCORE > VOY > . Images.
boot:) #ThrowbackVideo #StarTrek #Discovery #Voyager @startrekthecruise episode, “Infinite Regress” @jerilryan addressing Naomi Wildman is the best.
Voyager comes in contact with Borg technology which causes Seven of Nine to display multiple personalities. Infinite Regress.
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Infinite Regress. When the U.S.S.
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TrekCore 'Star Trek: VOY' Screencap & Image Gallery. TREKCORE > VOY > . Images. Home > Season 5 Screencaps > 5x07 - Infinite Regress
Deutsch: Das Vinculum. Original: Infinite Regress.