Instantly get the Luxembourg country code and Luxembourg area codes to help you make your international call to Luxembourg. Our complete resource of area & country codes will help you make your call to Luxembourg City and other Luxembourg cities.

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LU country code according to ISO-3166 Alpha 2, abbreviation / Code.

Luxembourg LU Phone Code. 352.

Lu country code

which I am keen on the ISO country code and in some cases the region code. As the biggest number should be LV-110 (Zilupes novads Zilupe municipality), 

Land. Land. Landskod.

Lu country code

Words that characterize this project: International dialing code, Country code, Area code, International calling code, Area phone code ISO 3166-2:LU is een ISO-standaard met betrekking tot de zogenaamde geocodes. Het is een subset van de ISO 3166-2 tabel, die specifiek betrekking heeft op Luxemburg . De gegevens werden tot op 27 november 2015 geüpdatet op het ISO Online Browsing Platform (OBP) [1] . Die Liste der ISO-3166-2-Codes für Luxemburg enthält die Codes für die zwölf Kantone. Die Codes bestehen aus zwei Teilen, die durch einen Bindestrich voneinander getrennt sind. Der erste Teil gibt den Landescode gemäß ISO 3166-1 (für Luxemburg LU ), der zweite den Code für den Kanton wieder. No country currently has the country code of 35.
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CountryCode.org is your complete guide to call anywhere in the world.

DE Federal Republic of Germany DJ Djibouti DK Denmark LU Luxembourg LV Latvia LY Libya MA Morocco MD Moldova ME Montenegro MG Madagascar MH Rep. of the Marshall Islands MK Former Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) ML Mali You can use the area code +352 for Luxembourg, call the hotel and find out which electrical outlets they have. Words that characterize this project: International dialing code, Country code, Area code, International calling code, Area phone code DHL - Global Service Point Locator 2014-07-31 Country Codes. The following table contains international codes used to identify different countries. A description of each code is given below: FIPS 10-4: American National Standard Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries, Dependencies, and Areas of … ISO country code: LU : Airport Codes: IATA: LUX: ICAO: ELLX: Location: Latitude: 49° 37' 0" N: Longitude: 6° 12' 0" E: Map of Airport codes Luxembourg Intl in Luxembourg, Luxembourg (LU): Luxembourg Intl is the most important airport of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
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28 Nov 2019 Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (New window) Tariff classification of goods (CN/TARIC code) · Binding Tariff Information (BTI) 

Die Codes bestehen aus zwei Teilen, die durch einen Bindestrich voneinander getrennt sind. Der erste Teil gibt den Landescode gemäß ISO 3166-1 (für Luxemburg LU ), der zweite den Code für den Kanton wieder. No country currently has the country code of 35. However, many small European countries have codes that begin with the numbers three and five, namely Finland (358), Gibraltar (350), Ireland (353), Portugal (351), Albania (355), Bulgaria (35 So much has changed about the way people make calls. For example, you can’t even call your next door neighbor’s landline without using an area code, and you certainly can’t call mobile phones without it.