Since July 01, 2003 the rules of explosion protection in the EU are set out by ATEX directive 94/9/EC (as of April 20, 2016: ATEX 2014/34/EU) concerning equipment and protective systems for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. The a


ATEX SUPERVISION Standardisation • EU Commission mandate CEN and CENELEC to write standards “in support of the EHSRs” – In practice many are EN versions of IEC or ISO text • Mandated standards are reviewed by the EU Commission’s ATEX Consultant, to confirm the standard does support the EHSRs

Målsättningen med direktiven är att möjliggöra fri konkurrens med ATEX-utrustning och säkerhetssystem genom att reglera villkor, testning och dokumentation på sådan utrustning inom EU. mentets och rådets förordning (EU) nr 1025/2012 av den 25 oktober 2012 om europeisk standardisering (1) och som innehåller detaljerade tekniska specifikationer av dessa krav. (21) I förordning (EU) nr 1025/2012 fastställs ett förfarande för invändningar mot harmoniserade standarder som inte helt uppfyller kraven i detta direktiv. ATEX-direktivet är ett samlingsnamn för de två EU-direktiv (2014/34/EU och 1999/92/EG) som berör arbete i explosionsfarliga miljöer. Det är direktiv som dels reglerar utrustning som används inom explosionsfarliga miljöer, dels reglerar arbetssäkerheten för personal som arbetar i potentiellt explosiva atmosfärer.

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• Maskindirektivet Intyg om att produkten uppfyller EU:s grundläggande krav Dokumentation. • EU-försäkran om överensstämmelse. EU Declaration of Conformity EMC Directive_SR 700. Ladda ner 7.38 MB. Adobe Acrobat Document.

EU-intyget om överensstämmelse, inklusive alla tillämpliga EU-direktiv, fullständiga ATEX-installationsritningar och installationsanvisningar finns att tillgå på 

Understand what ATEX means. “ATEX” is an abbreviation for the ATEX Directive and is short for “Atmospheres Explosibles”.

Atex eu

Glamox Ex armaturer är certifierade enligt IIC som är den strängaste av dem. ATEX Glamox armaturer är certifierade i hänvisning till EU:s ATEX direktiv (94/9/EC) 

12. Europe (ATEX) In Europe, in addition to marking pursuant to the standard (see IEC), the requirements of EU Directive 94/9/EC and 2014/34/ EU (ATEX) must also be satisfied. The following data must be specified: Manufacturer’s; CE mark (possibly with code of the named authority).

Atex eu

ATEX produktdirektiv 2014/34 / EU — ATEX-produktdirektivet 2014/34 / EU (även inofficiellt kallat ATEX 114 , på grund av relevant  The ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU covers equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. The directive defines the essential health and safety requirements and conformity assessment procedures, to be applied before products are placed on the EU market. Equipment for explosive atmospheres (ATEX) Directive 2014/34/EU Since 1 December 2018 the references of harmonised standards are published in, and withdrawn from the Official Journal of the European Union by means of 'Commission implementing decisions'.
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Antal: Referens: 403536A.

Check it out! Understanding The ATEX Directive. ATEX is an acronym derived from the words “Atmospheres Explosibles” and forms part of a European equipment directive known as ATEX 2014-34 EU. The directive covers manufacturing standards and ensures that people are protected against the risk that may be caused by dangerous substances. Ex-Machinery explains “which ATEX equipment may be used in which ATEX zone?” put this practical overview on your bulletin board .
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The aim of Directive 94/9/EC is to allow the free trade of 'ATEX' equipment and protective systems within the EU by removing the need for separate testing and documentation for each Member State. In Great Britain, the requirements of the Directive were put into effect through BIS Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 1996 (SI 1996/192).

EU Atex The term Atex is derived from the French title of the original Atex directive Appareils destinés à être utilisés en ATmosphères EXplosives (Apparatus for use in explosive atmospheres) The original Atex directive 94/9/EC dated 23rd of March 1994 became mandatory in July 2003 and all new equipment and protective systems for use in hazardous areas have been subject to it since. atex 95 & atex 114 (2014/34/eu) De richtlijn 94/9/EG , ook ATEX95 genoemd, bevat voorschriften voor apparaten op plaatsen met potentieel explosiegevaar en valt onder CE-wetgeving.

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The different ATEX versions are designed according to the EU directive 2014/34/ EU relating to explosive atmospheres making them suitable for transporting explosive gases and vapors or operation in explosion hazard areas. Each model is&nb

To place products falling under Directive 2014/34/EU in the European Union territo テュフ・ラインランドの評価によると、イグスが提供するESD対策パーツは、 自律機能を持たず、独自の着火源もないため、ガイドライン2014/34/EUには該当 しません。 そのため、ATEXに準拠していると宣言することはできません。 それに  21 May 2014 ExVeritas are an ATEX Notified Body. DIRECTIVE 2014/34/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL. of 26 February 2014. on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to equipment  17 Jan 2020 What is ATEX? First of all, what is ATEX?